⌨️SDK integration

Website setup

To integrate our web SDK, it is needed to add the following JavaScript tag inside the <head> block of the website, specifying the "asset key" provided by our platform:

<script type="text/javascript" async src="https://cdn.resources.wortise.com/sdk/web/web-sdk.js">
    wortise.init('your asset key')

Ad formats

Banner ads are rectangular image or text ads that occupy a space inside the website layout. They stay on screen while the users interact with the website and can automatically refresh after a certain period of time.

The banner integration is done with a very simple process, by inserting the following <div> element in the place where ads want to be shown:

<div id='wortise:BANNER_ID' style='min-width: WIDTHpx; min-height: HEIGHTpx;'></div>

It is completely needed to specify the ID of the ad unit banner that will be used, as well as the dimensions the ads should occupy.

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