App Open


To make use of App Open ads, it is needed to request their load at some point inside the app, being recommended to do it as soon as possible.

Below you can find an example of how to load and show an ad:

// Create an App Open
WortiseAppOpen appOpenAd = new WortiseAppOpen(
    "Wortise Ad Unit ID"

// Request an ad

// Show the ad if available
if (appOpenAd.IsAvailable) {

Also, the WortiseAppOpen class offers the following additional methods to configure its behaviour:

// Sets if a new ad must be loaded after closing the previous one
appOpenAd.AutoReload = true;

// Shows an ad immediately if available. Otherwise, requests the load of a
// new ad

Listener configuration

Some listeners can be added to receive the different events that may occur during the ad lifecycle. For this, you can make use of the following attributes that are available at the WortiseAppOpen class:

  • OnClicked

  • OnDismissed

  • OnFailedToLoad

  • OnFailedToShow

  • OnImpression

  • OnLoaded

  • OnShown


appOpenAd.OnClicked      += () => Debug.Log('App open clicked');
appOpenAd.OnDismissed    += () => Debug.Log('App open dismissed');
appOpenAd.OnFailedToLoad += () => Debug.Log('App open failed to load');
appOpenAd.OnFailedToShow += () => Debug.Log('App open failed to show');
appOpenAd.OnImpression   += () => Debug.Log('App open impression');
appOpenAd.OnLoaded       += () => Debug.Log('App open loaded');
appOpenAd.OnShown        += () => Debug.Log('App open shown');

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