
Privacy Policy

If you application is targeting minors (exclusively or not), it is needed to comply with the requirements established by Apple.

To facilitate the compliance of these policies, the SDK allows to specify if the ad requests are targeted to minors, beside the ability to set the maximum content rating.

It is very important to comply with these requirements, and carefully review the related policies, to avoid any issues with Apple.

Child directed content

To specify if an user is a minor or not, it is needed to include the following code before initializing the SDK:

// true  -> The user is a minor or the age is unknown
// false -> The user is an adult
WAAdSettings.childDirected = true

If the user age is unknown, the app must treat that user as if they were a minor.

Content rating

To specify the maximum content rating, the following code must be added before initializing the SDK:

WAAdSettings.maxAdContentRating = WAAdContentRating.G

The following values are available when specifying the content rating:



Content suitable for minors


Content suitable for most audiences with parental guidance


Content suitable for teens


Content suitable only for adults

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