

To make use of rewarded ads, it is needed to request their load at some point inside the app, being recommended to do it as soon as possible. This can be done by using the following code:

import { RNWortiseRewarded } from '@wortise/react-native-sdk';

RNWortiseRewarded.setAdUnitId('Wortise Ad Unit ID');

Next, to show the ad in the desired moment, you can use the showAd() and isAvailable methods just as shown in the following example:

if (await RNWortiseRewarded.isAvailable) {

Listener setup

Some listeners can be added to receive the different events that may occur during the ad lifecycle. For this, it is needed to use the addEventListener method and specify which event type to receive, which can be one of the following:

  • onRewardedClicked

  • onRewardedCompleted

  • onRewardedDismissed

  • onRewardedFailedToLoad

  • onRewardedFailedToShow

  • onRewardedImpression

  • onRewardedLoaded

  • onRewardedShown


RNWortiseRewarded.addEventListener('onRewardedCompleted', ({ amount, label, success }) => {
  // The callback will be invoked when the ad is completed

RNWortiseRewarded.addEventListener('onRewardedLoaded', () => {
  // The callback will be invoked when an ad is loaded

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