

Unlike banners, interstitials can only be integrated with code. Below we show a simple example to understand how it works:

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    private InterstitialAd mInterstitial;
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mInterstitial = new InterstitialAd(this, "Wortise Ad Unit ID");
    public void onDestroy() {
    public void showInterstitial() {
        if (mInterstitial.isAvailable()) {

Listener configuration

Like occurs with banners, a listener can be set to receive the events that happen during the interstitial lifecycle. For this, it is needed to implement the InterstitialAd.Listener interface just as shown in the example below:

mInterstitial.setListener(new InterstitialAd.Listener() {
    public void onInterstitialClicked(@NonNull InterstitialAd ad) {
        // Invoked when the ad has been clicked
    public void onInterstitialDismissed(@NonNull InterstitialAd ad) {
        // Invoked when the ad has been dismissed
    public void onInterstitialFailedToLoad(@NonNull InterstitialAd ad,
                                           @NonNull AdError error) {
        // Invoked when the ad could not be loaded
        // (because of an error or no fill)

    public void onInterstitialFailedToShow(@NonNull InterstitialAd ad,
                                           @NonNull AdError error) {
        // Invoked when the ad could not be shown
    public void onInterstitialImpression(@NonNull InterstitialAd ad) {
        // Invoked when the ad has generated an impression
    public void onInterstitialLoaded(@NonNull InterstitialAd ad) {
        // Invoked when the ad has been loaded
    public void onInterstitialShown(@NonNull InterstitialAd ad) {
        // Invoked when the ad has been shown

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